Jehyve Floyd's book was published on God's timing and impacted lives before hitting the shelves. During the winter of 2021, when Jehyve Floyd and I connected, my father was in ICU fighting for his life. Simultaneously, my business picked up more than ever. Through the midst of it all, Jehyve’s book and support helped me get through one of the roughest stages of my life. The value of a book is much deeper than the content between the front and back cover. It stretches from what the author went through to publish the book and what impact it will have on readers. Godfidence will take your faith to new levels and remind you that there is power in vulnerability.
Ross: When did you first get the idea to write a book?
Jehyve: I've always wanted to tell my story to inspire others, but when I was overseas, I really had the time to do it. I was in a season of separation spiritually, mentally, and emotionally so I started journaling. The experiences and lessons I was writing down reminded me of the many books I had read in the past. I wanted to do something outside of basketball so writing a book became just that. It was a therapeutic process that allowed me to express myself wholeheartedly while inspiring others to be vulnerable.
Ross: How has releasing your book impacted your healing experience?
Jehyve: Writing the book was really therapeutic. It was relieving to let go of the hurt I experienced in the past and see how far I was able to go in spite of it. Now, I can honestly say I live in my truth, and it is a powerful feeling. I laid the foundation of my healing journey in the words I shared with the world, and it has touched and inspired others in their own journey.
Ross: What were the biggest challenges with completing your book?
Jehyve: My biggest challenge was my battle with perfectionism. At first, I would not be able to keep writing if I felt there were a bunch of errors or if my story did not make sense. I could not grasp how impactful my story is, so many times, I would doubt my own life story on top of my writing skills. Once I was able to link with other authors and Williams Commerce, everything started to fall in place and flow.
Ross: How did building a team impact your mission?
Jehyve: It made things easier for me. I am usually someone who tries to do things on my own but to have a team who had the experience of putting together such a project helped tremendously. I became part of a community of authors and publishers who are on the same mission to share their stories to inspire the next generation.
Ross: How has releasing a book impacted your career?
Jehyve: I think it was a weight lifted off my shoulder. My book screams, "I AM HUMAN TOO." For others to see what I had seen all along has been great for relationships and my purpose overall. I have a responsibility now to keep going and being that advocate for those suffering from any mental illness and boasting about how my faith got me through. It has given me the confidence I need to walk through life and just be me. Be the person God created me to be.
Ross: What would be a first step you recommend for those seeking to strengthen their faith?
Jehyve: The first step I would recommend is reflection. See how far God brought you without you taking time to notice He was right there the whole time. Imagine how great life would be if you could acknowledge His presence around you and within you. When you realize the power given within you, it gives us the strength and abundance to endure anything life throws at us. Faith is a personal decision. We either choose faith or fear, and that makes the difference between living and surviving.
Ross: What advice would you give to someone trying to publish their first book?
Jehyve: I would say don't overthink it. Publishing a book is not something an average person does, so that already speaks volumes of who you are. Connect with others who have already been in your shoes, and the process will become much more enjoyable.
Ross: Which books inspired you to become an author?
Jehyve: I am a fan of memoirs. Reading through someone’s life and learning from their obstacles have been a tool I use to further my own success. Authors such as Common, Charlamagne the God, and people we see every day inspire me because they gave me the idea that we all are authors in some way. But the one book that still holds weight in my heart is the Alchemist. I can read that book over and over again because of the jewels on each page.
Ross: What do you have planned next for your literary career?
Jehyve: I can see myself writing another book, but I am still digesting the life change my first book has done for me. I haven't had the same mental space to write as I did back then, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I am enjoying life and taking it day by day, so we will see!
Ross: What are the main takeaways you want readers to have from your book?
Jehyve: There are so many angles that people can take reading my story, but the main takeaway should be that it is okay to be human. We naturally have fear, but our faith will ultimately get us to where we need to be. Fear helps us survive, but love helps us live! Prioritize your relationship with God, and everything else will fall into place.