Ross: When did you first get the idea to write a book?
Brian: I first got the idea to write a book back in 2015. Writing was a cathartic experience for me and helped me to release a lot of the feelings that I was hiding and holding in. By writing things down I was able to find my voice to be able to talk about all the things that happened and start to process it all to move towards healing.
Ross: What were the biggest challenges with completing your book?
Brian: Some of the biggest challenges in completing the book for me were actually finishing it and making the decision to release it. I was struggling with how do I bring the book to a closing as well as deciding how vulnerable I wanted to be with sharing certain elements of my story. Completing this book was definitely a process that I learned to trust wholeheartedly. I had to understand my true job in this whole process was simply to share my story.
Ross: What are the biggest lessons you learned about the book creation process?
Brian: I have learned that writing a book can be a very tedious process overall especially when you want what you’re saying conveyed a certain way. There is a lot that goes into telling the story just the way you want it.
Ross: How has releasing a book impacted your career?
Brian: I believe overall it has raised awareness about who I am and what I am capable of. It also, has established my credibility as an author.
Ross: What is your profession aside from writing?
Brian: Aside from writing I have been a defense contractor since 2011.
Ross: What advice would you give to someone trying to publish their first book?
Brian: I would tell them to grant themselves grace along the journey and don’t be afraid to create visuals to develop how they want their book to flow from beginning to the end. Also, I would tell them that power lies in vulnerability because it helps to build true connection with readers.
Ross: That’s amazing advice! How did you find strength in your vulnerabilities?
Brian: I was able to find the vulnerabilities did not mean I was weak. It meant I was strong enough to be transparent and have a very human experience. Vulnerability requires you to get really honest with yourself about a lot of things. And if you won’t be honest with you then don’t expect anyone else to do it.
Ross: Which books inspired you to become an author?
Brian: The Four Agreements, The Power of Now, The Alchemist and A Course in Miracles. These books helped me to understand that all you really need is already inside of you if you’re just willing to tap into that power.
Ross: What do you have planned next for your literary career?
Brian: I want to explore some different genres of writing. I want to see what I can do with fiction and poetry. I don’t want to limit myself to one style of doing things. I believe there are some more ways to become innovative with literature.
Ross: What are the main takeaways you want readers to have from your book?
Brian: I want the reader to know that they can overcome anything and that they should never count themselves out. I also want the reader to understand that life is a learning process, and you have to be willing to grow through what you go through. Healing is a beautiful journey of becoming the best version of yourself along the way. Forgiveness is a powerful tool and making peace with your past sets you free to focus on the present moment and look to the future with optimism.